Advocate in the criminal justice


Transparency and accountability

The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) was founded in 1989 by attorney Bryan Stevenson. It provides legal representation to inmates who have been illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or mistreated while incarcerated.

EJI’s mission is to end “mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.”

Vulnerable people in American society

If by 2050 there are 9.6 billion inhabitants on the earth, as the United Nations (UN) predicts, we will need almost three planets-worth of natural resources to be able to supply our needs and live as we do now. But there is only one Earth and therefore everything that we do for it, however small, has great importance.

We will show you five everyday practices that you thought were harmless, or even ecological, but that cause considerable damage to the environment.



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