A nutritious diet in early childhood has the power to shape a healthier future for a child, helping to build a strong immune system, fuel a growing body and nourish a developing brain.
Approach this conversation with empathy, saying that you know she is feeling anxious and that it’s healthy to talk about our worries and emotions.
Increased conflict and insecurity in Afghanistan have left children paying a heavy price. Afghanistan was already one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a child.
We have been fortunate to meet, work with and learn from charities of all sizes across the UK, as we assist them in building their income, securing their investments.
It’s vital that as a board and team of staff, you have a clear mission and evaluate all opportunities against this. Funding is important, but not at the cost.
It’s every parent’s wish to leave their child a better world than what they lived through – a better chance at education, a fulfilling career, a beautiful world
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